
ICPPP2015 Committees:

Conference Chairs:
C. Michael Walton, Ernest H. Cockrell Centennial Chair, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Oscar de Buen Richkarday, President of PIARC
Xinghua Li, Director-General, Transport Planning and Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, China

International Steering Committee

Cesar Queiroz, Consultant, Former World Bank Highways Adviser, USA
Ralph Haas, University of Waterloo, Canada
Nicolas Rubio, President, Cintra US, USA

Conference Organizing Committee

Zhanmin Zhang, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Patrick Rhode, Vice President, Cintra US, USA

International Scientific Committee

Goran ? Mladenovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Aristeidis Pantelias, University College London (UCL), UK

Promotion and Outreach Committee

Alondra Chamorro Gin�, Pontificia Universidad Cat�lica de Chile, Chile
Liping Hou, China Highway and Transportation Society, China